Lunch Schedule

Important Reminder for Lunch Guests

Parents and other interested people are invited to eat lunch with the students.  In order to properly prepare enough food for all of our students and guests, please make reservations by calling the school cafeteria. When visiting, check in at the office, get a visitor’s badge, and wait in the lobby. Students in grades 3-5 will walk with you from the lobby to the cafeteria for lunch.  If you are eating with a student in grades K-2, we ask that you remain in the lobby until the scheduled lunch time. This procedure will allow the teacher and the students to prepare for lunch following their usual routine. After eating, please sign out in the office. We ask that you do not walk to the classrooms or playground after lunch.

2019-2020 Lunch Schedule 

Time                                                                              Teacher                                                          
10:40 am to 11:10 am Isosaki                                                             
10:45 am to 11:15 am Morgan
10:50 am to 11:20 am Prince
10:55 am to 11:25 am Cardosi
11:00 am to 11:30 am Dilley
11:05 am to 11:35 am King
11:10 am to 11:40 am Allison
11:15 am to 11:45 am Stephens/Holt
11:20 am to 11:50 am Sebourn
11:25 am to 11:55 am Parks
11:30 am to 12:00 pm Sisco
11:35 am to 12:05 pm Unzicker
11:40 am to 12:10 pm Byrd
11:45 am to 12:15 pm Howell
11:50 am to 12:20 pm Rhea
11:55 am to 12:25 pm Copeland
12:00 pm to 12:30 pm Moore
12:05 pm to 12:35 pm Scott